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Johnstons of Elgin's finest woollens and cashmere knitwear​

Maolone Souliers retail interior display

After a period of careful development and consultation all of the fixtures and furniture went into manufacture before being sent to site for installation. Once they had been installed by our site team and coupled with new floor, wall and ceiling finishes we felt very pleased with the overall effect that had been created.​


Malone Souliers custom-made metal display boxes

Satisfied Customer

Johnstons of Elgin were extremely pleased with this project and we went on to receive some highly complementary feedback which was very much appreciated as always!

Malone Souliers at Selfridges
Selfridges glass shoe display shelving
Malone Souliers blue and white high heels





Johnstons of Elgin

The Project

Attention to detail was always going to be very much the order of the day when Axiom were assigned to work for this prestigious Scottish Brand. Established in 1797 and a proud holder of a Royal warrant; this company was very keen to display its finest cashmere and fabric products to the fullest effect.


Malone Souliers - High Heels on glass display box

Designed by Rage Studio

0844 822 3128